Buying or selling shares in QBiotics Group Limited

Steps for buying or selling shares in QBiotics Group Limited

QBiotics Group Limited (“the Company” or “QBiotics Group”) is an Australian public unlisted company (that is, it is not listed on any stock exchange) and, therefore, there is no recognised secondary market for trading the Company’s shares. You should view an investment in QBiotics Group as a long-term investment with limited liquidity.

However, in some cases shareholders may be able to sell shares.

There are two ways in which investors and shareholders may be able to buy or sell shares in QBiotics.

Option 1 – QBiotics Buy/Sell Register

A shareholder may notify the Company that they would like to sell shares and be placed on a register of potential sellers. Similarly, an investor may notify the Company that they wish to buy shares and be placed on a register of potential buyers. This process is set out below.

QBiotics Buy/Sell Register process

QBiotics Group maintains a register of potential buyers and sellers of shares. Buyers and sellers may then contact each other and negotiate a transfer. QBiotics Group does not guarantee to shareholders that there will be a buyer for their shares at any time, or for the price desired or required.

Potential buyers and sellers wanting to buy or sell shares can follow the steps set out below to buy or sell shares:

  1. The BUYER/SELLER complete the form 'Registration of interest to buy or sell shares in QBiotics Group Limited' ("Registration Form") and forward the signed form to the Company as directed on the Registration Form.
  2. When the Company receives a completed Registration Form from a BUYER, the Company will forward (by email) the BUYER the current list of registered SELLERS.
  3. When the Company receives a completed Registration Form from a SELLER, the Company will forward (by email) the SELLER the current list of registered BUYERS.
  4. Registered BUYERS and SELLERS may request updated BUYER/SELLER lists from time to time and may also request that they be removed from the relevant lists on which they have previously registered.  To request an updated BUYER/SELLER list or be removed from the relevant list please email the Company on the email address listed below.
  5. The BUYER and SELLER (“the Parties”) must liaise directly in relation to the price and number of shares to be transferred. The Company will have no involvement in determining the terms of the sale or purchase between the BUYER and the SELLER.
  6. If the Parties are able to agree upon the number of shares to be transferred and the price for such transfer, the BUYER and SELLER must complete the Link Market Services (“Link”) Standard Transfer Form (“the Transfer Form”).
  7. Once the BUYER has transferred the funds to the SELLER as mutually agreed, and once the funds have cleared, the completed original signed Transfer Form must be sent to the share registry for processing at the following address:
    Link Market Services Limited
    Locked Bag A14
  8. Once a Transfer Form has been processed by Link, BUYERS who are existing shareholders will receive an updated Holding Statement reflecting the share purchase at the end of the calendar month. If the BUYER is a new shareholder, the BUYER will receive a Holding Statement and new shareholder information from Link within approximately 7 business days.
  9. Once the share transfer has been completed, the BUYER and SELLER should notify the Company to be removed from the relevant list.
  10. Link will provide the Company with details of the share transfer once the Transfer Form has been processed by Link.

Contact us for further assistance with trading shares, or to be added/removed from the BUYER/SELLER list.

Download printable version of the above steps

Download Registration Form

Standard Transfer Form

Option 2 – Wholesale Investor - Independent secondary market

A shareholder and investors may engage WI Capital Pty Ltd (WI), a company with an established secondary market service platform (WI Capital Platform) to facilitate the sale or purchase of QBiotics shares. For more information on WI and the WI Capital Platform please refer to the WI Capital Platform website.

A shareholder or investor wishing to use the WI Capital Platform must contact and directly engage WI. While QBiotics acknowledges the potential utility of the WI Capital Platform for investors interested in buying or selling QBiotics shares, shareholders and investors are responsible for their engagement with WI and should conduct their own assessment and seek independent advice.

Any transactions or interactions between shareholders or investors and WI are conducted independently of QBiotics. QBiotics is not responsible for the outcome or consequences of transactions made through the WI Capital Platform or for any decision of a shareholder to independently engage WI. Shareholders or potential investors interested in engaging WI to buy and sell QBiotics shares should register their interest using the appropriate link below.  If you have any questions you can contact WI by emailing   

The services provided by WI will attract a fee payable by the seller. No fees will be charged to the buyer by WI.

The process to buy or sell shares using the WI Capital platform is summarised below.

Wholesale Investor - Independent secondary market process

  1. The BUYER/SELLER to register with WI.

    Buyer Inquiry - Seeking to buy more shares

    Seller Inquiry - Seeking to sell shares

  2. Follow steps set out in the WI Capital Platform to buy/sell shares.
  3. The BUYER and SELLER compelete the share transfer form. WI will prepare and collect documentation for both parties.
  4. WI will set up the transaction in Escrow for the BUYER to fund. Funds will be held by Perpetual Trustees. The BUYER and SELLER will be required to go through a Know Your Customer / Anti Money Laundering process and provide appropriate documenation.
  5. Once funds are received from the BUYER and held in Escrow, WI will instruct the share registry to transfer the shares. Funds will not be released to the SELLER until the transfer has been confirmed.
  6. WI's fee and any other associated fees will be deducted from the SELLER's proceeds held in Escrow. No fees are charged to the BUYER.
  7. WI will keep all parties inolved in the trade informed across the whole process.


No representation or warranty, express or implied, is made or given by or on behalf of the Company, any of its directors, or any other person about an investment in the Company’s shares. The registration of interest to buy or sell shares in QBiotics Group Limited does not constitute the provision of investment or financial advice by QBiotics Group Limited or its representatives. Investors should seek independent professional advice before making any investment decisions. The Company does not facilitate the sale or purchase of shares and all terms of any sale and purchase of shares must be agreed between the buyer and seller. The buyer and seller bear all responsibility for the accurate completion of any share transfer form and for the payment and receipt of purchase money.

Completed Share Transfers

The Company is unable by law to provide any advice, guidance or make any representation to a party regarding a buy or sell price. However for your assistance, below is a summary of completed share transfers negotiated between buyers and sellers, including date, volume, and share price. 

The price at which share transfers are negotiated between buyers and sellers or the volume-weighted average price is not a valuation of ordinary shares in the Company or a valuation of the business conducted by the Company. Applying an appropriate valuation method (or methods) for unlisted securities may be complex. The information provided to shareholders above is general and does not constitute formal advice. The Company recommends seeking advice from a qualified accountant, professional valuation advisor or otherwise suitably qualified professional if you intend to rely upon any of the information provided for any purpose including accounting or tax purposes. While the Company tries to ensure that the content of the above document is accurate, adequate and complete, it does not represent or warrant its accuracy, adequacy or completeness. The Company is not responsible for any loss suffered as a result of or in relation to the use of the information in the above document. To the extent permitted by law, the Company excludes any liability, including any liability for negligence, for any loss, including indirect or consequential damages arising from or in relation to the use of the above information including the information regarding historical share transfers.