Counterfeit products disclaimer

It has come to QBiotics Group's attention that counterfeit products (for human use) bearing the EBC-46 mark, Blushwood Berry or Blushwood Berry EBC-46 names (Counterfeit Products) are being distributed and sold by unauthorised and illegal distributors or retailers online and over the counter.

QBiotics Group's EBC-46 product (also known as tigilanol tiglate) is still within the clinical-trial phase and is not yet approved by regulators or available to the public for sale or for any human treatment. We are intensifying our management to prevent the sale of Counterfeit Products and request that consumers bear in mind that this product is not yet for sale through any party or any website.

Using counterfeit medicines carries a high risk of unexpected or potentially serious reactions. Counterfeit medicines are often deliberately packaged to look like a genuine article. However, these products may contain toxic or dangerous substances, substances withdrawn from sale for safety reasons and variations across tablets and batches.

The Counterfeit Products being offered for sale on these websites or over the counter are not in any way associated with, affiliated with or endorsed by QBiotics Group or its business. QBiotics Group is not, under any circumstances, liable for any injury, loss, damage, liability or claim (including due to negligence), directly or indirectly arising out of, or related to, the use or inability to use, the Counterfeit Products from third parties. This limitation of liability includes, but is not limited to, compensatory, direct, indirect or consequential damages.