Wound Healing
Wound Healing
QBiotics’ wound healing drug candidate, EBC-1013, is a topically applied semi-synthetic small molecule for treatment of a wide range of chronic and acute wounds and burns. The clinical Phase I safety trial for EBC-1013, in patients with venous leg ulcers is currently underway.
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Open clinical trials in Australia:
Walski – Altona Walski – Wollongong

In preclinical veterinary cases, treatment with EBC-1013 usually consists of one to three gel applications and results in complete wound healing with minimal to no scarring. EBC-1013 has a multifactorial mode of action which includes biofilm disruption, antibacterial peptide production, neutrophil activation, fibroblast differentiation and function modulation, and keratinocyte production and migration.
Preclinical studies of treatment with EBC-1013 have shown accelerated closure of infected wounds compared to control treatments. In addition, clear histopathological differences have been shown in:
Targeting virulence:
discovery of antibiotics
QBiotics’ antibiotic programme is at the forefront of discovering novel small molecules to combat the escalating problem of multi-drug resistant bacteria. This programme leverages our extensive research into the antimicrobial properties of EBC-1013, our promising candidate for wound healing.